Trint API Keys and Authentication

Trint API Keys

As of October 2025, Trint is now using Basic Authentication for our API calls. Trint users can generate and revoke API keys at the API page of our webapp.

Users can create up 25 USER keys, and up to 25 ORGANISATION keys can be shared across the whole account. USER keys will be disabled if a user closes down their individual Trint account, while ORGANISATION keys remain as long as the organisation retains their Trint account. This enables the use of specific keys for specific integrations and simple roll-over of keys whenever required.

Trint API keys come in two parts, a Key ID (which remains visible after the key is created) and a Key Secret (which is only shown to the user at the time of creation). Once a Key has been created we will never show the Secret again or allow the value to be changed, so users must make a record at the time of creation. Replacement keys can be created and revoked as necessary to rotate credentials at the time of your choosing. Keys can be created with an expiry date (after which time they stop working) or set to never expire.

Basic Authentication

Each API call is authenticated using Basic Authentication (see here) with the API Key ID acting as the `user-id` and the API Key Secret acting as the `password`. This means that a header ('Authentication') must be sent with each request, set to the Base64 encoded value of the Key Id and Secret combined (separated by a colon). For example:

Key / Secret Value:

Example Key Id: AK-12345ABCDE
Example Key Secret: this15SECRET_CXJK3ctglt6LOpYxRmZ

Combined credentials: AK-12345ABCDE:this15SECRET_CXJK3ctglt6LOpYxRmZ

Authentication header:

Authorization: Basic QUstMTIzNDVBQkNERTp0aGlzMTVTRUNSRVRfQ1hKSzNjdGdsdDZMT3BZeFJtWg==

Example Call using API Key:

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Basic QUstMTIzNDVBQkNERTp0aGlzMTVTRUNSRVRfQ1hKSzNjdGdsdDZMT3BZeFJtWg=='

You can see further examples of API calls in our reference pages.

Legacy Keys

For now we are continuing to support the use of old-style Trint API Keys (i.e. ones created before October 2025 that have a single value rather than a Key/Secret pair). These keys are still in use in some existing integrations (including Zapier) which will be migrated to the new system in the near future.

We recommend that all new API Keys are generated as Key/Secret pairs, but Legacy Keys can still be created using at the API tab in the webapp.

When using Legacy Keys, the value of the key must be sent as an `api-key` query or header parameter along with the existing request, for example:

Example Call using Legacy API Key

curl --request GET  
     --url '<'>  
     --header 'accept: application/json'  
     --header 'api-key: LEGACY_API_KEY_GOES_HERE'